Buğra Sunay
6 min readMay 1, 2021


The world and every living creature in the world are developing every moment they exist. But governments and the people who run governments always serve the same purpose. In order for his own country to be stronger, he can find the authority to harm everyone and everything in other countries, regardless of women, children, animals. It is obvious to everyone that the “power” dogma in world politics will not be destroyed in any way. As stated by classical realist thinkers, “power is the natural aim of humanity and states.”

Power categories among the world countries are as follows;

Superpower: Defined in 1944 as a power with greater mobility than great power, and 3 states used this term: the British Empire, the Soviet Union, and the United States. The US is still considered as a superpower, with the potential superpower China.

Great Power: In historical expressions, the term great power is used for nations that have strong political, cultural, and economic influence over other nations. China, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Russia, and the United Kingdom are considered today’s great powers.

Territorial Power: It is used to describe the nations that exercise power and influence in a region. Being a regional power does not mean mutually excluding other power categories. Countries including South Africa, Egypt, Israel, Turkey, South Korea, Brazil, Mexico and Indonesia are often defined as regional powers.

Middle Power: The subjective definition of the effective states in the second level cannot be made as “great powers”.

The term energy superpower describes countries that have immense influence and even direct control over a large amount of the world’s energy supply. Saudi Arabia and Russia, possibly Canada and Australia, are generally considered the world’s current energy superpower.

The term Culture / Entertainment superpower describes countries that have immense influence or even direct control over a large amount of the world’s entertainment supply or broad cultural influence. Although controversial, the UK, USA and Japan are generally considered the entertainment and cultural superpowers of the world.

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Now, in the light of this information, we understand who is the boss in the world. And in your mind you say this sentence to me;

- big fish eat small fish

My answer is as follows;

-okay but why

We can continue this conversation forever, everyone can defend and dream in their own way, but let’s look at it in terms of my thoughts this time. Earth is a very beautiful planet with many possibilities compared to other planets in the universe, but when you look at the human species living on such a beautiful planet, these intelligent beings deliberately damage many natural beauties in the world, they kill and starve each other, usually the decision maker in the occurrence or prevention of such events. one or several people (governments and heads of state)

Now let’s think of something like “human race and the world” if every country and every community had rulers in the same way, but if these rulers served a common purpose with their own state and community.

People have achieved great success, especially in the 21st century and continue to do so. Some big governments and big corporations are considering and working on making other planets habitable. However, as far as I know, among the planets we have discovered, there is no planet that is as habitable as the earth and exactly similar to the earth’s structure. Well, if we all live on the best planet of the universe as much as we’ve discovered at least now, what could be the reason for this passion for power, the states and the people belonging to those states?

There is only one subject that states of the world and all people in the world must unite and serve right now “GLOBAL WARMING”

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GLOBAL WARMING: It is the name given to the increase in the average temperatures measured on land, sea and air throughout the year on Earth, as a result of the greenhouse effect, which is formed by the increase of heat-retaining gases such as carbon dioxide in the atmosphere [1] and which is thought to be caused by greenhouse gases released into the atmosphere.

It is people who cause global warming. It is people’s passion for comfort and power.

The reasons for global warming are as follows: population growth and the resulting increase in other human activities such as fossil fuel consumption, land use, international trade and transportation, and the development of industry. The main cause of climate change is global warming. The reason for this is the increase of “greenhouse gases” in the atmosphere. It is known that greenhouse gas emissions increase with human activities. Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the most important greenhouse gas; It is released into the atmosphere from vehicle exhausts, fuel burned for heating purposes, factory chimneys.

While around 45 percent of the worldwide emissions arise as a result of the use of coal, 35 percent is caused by oil and 20 percent from natural gas.

So what do all these causes end up with?

• Melting of glaciers

• Increase in precipitation in the form of downpours in the amount of rain

• At the water level of the seas rise

• Increased storm and flood damage

• Melting of the tundra

• Increase in the amount of evaporation

• Drought and desertification

Since 2001, the warming of the atmosphere and the accumulation of carbon dioxide, melting of glaciers in the poles and the Alps, have increased at an unlikely rate a few years ago. In addition, the speed of polar winds is increasing, the depths of the ocean are warming and the warming of the lower layers of the atmosphere delays the regeneration of the ozone layer. Moreover, the glacial layers studied by drilling in Greenland have shown that the climate can change at great speed. Climate change causes biological changes in the world.

In the light of this information and according to the UN report, the scenarios awaiting the world are as follows:

+2 ° C: Water shortage will begin

Sandstorms will destroy agriculture in North America. Sea levels will rise. 10 million people will have water shortage in Peru. Coral reefs will disappear. 30 percent of the living species on the planet will be threatened with extinction.

+ 5 ° C: Seas will rise 5 m

The average sea level will be 70 meters. Earth’s food stocks will run out.

+ 6 ° C: Migrations will begin

Hundreds of millions of people will migrate, hoping to live in favorable climatic conditions. Well, according to this situation, what should states do? We should accept that there is no planet to live better than the world, especially the superpowers, so all humanity has to respect the world, especially the states. Therefore, all the states of the world should unconditionally unite and make common decisions for the world and people and enact common laws. Maybe it is obvious that states and people like to work together for their own future and joint solutions are made for hunger and health problems, which is a shame in the 21st century.

I want to end my article with the following words of the great Turkish commander and statesman Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Peace at home, peace in the world.

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Buğra Sunay

I open my mind to you, let’s learn together, let’s think together and construct together.