Buğra Sunay
5 min readMay 9, 2021


Are there aliens? If we are not really alone in the universe and there is a concept called aliens, where are the aliens? The sum of these questions gives us the Fermi paradox.

All of these questions have been asked by people who are curious about space for years, and they all fall into a dilemma of theory or obscurity. In fact, when we look at the alien data we have, we need to ask what kind of biological structure or what technology the aliens have rather than the questions of whether there are aliens or not. Let’s first look at the Fermi paradox and the drake equation that tries to explain the Fermi paradox, then get an idea of ​​the universe and alien evidence we have.

Given the size of the universe and the existence of an enormous number of stars, along with the assumption that Earth is a typical example of a planet for life, extraterrestrial life should be common. Discussing this proposition during a 1950 lunch, physicist Enrico Fermi asked the question: “If there are a large number of advanced extraterrestrial civilizations within the Milky Way, why don’t we find evidence such as alien spacecraft or probes?”

The first view of the paradox, which can be called the “scale argument”, is essentially composed of numbers: there are an estimated 250 billion (2.5 x 1011) stars in the Milky Way, and 70 trillion billion (7 x 1022) stars in the observable universe. Even assuming that intelligent life originated in a tiny fraction of the planets around these stars, there must be many still surviving civilizations within the Milky Way galaxy alone. The principle of mediocrity is also used in this argument. According to this, Earth is not a special planet, but a typical planet, subject to the same laws and influences of nature as other planets and with the same results. Some predictive calculations using the Drake equation have also been made to support this argument, but the accuracy of the assumptions behind these calculations is also controversial.

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There are many theories and principles that accompany the Fermi paradox, but the most related to the theorem is the Drake equation.

The equation was formulated by Frank Drake in 1960, ten years after he asked Enrico Fermi, in order to systematically evaluate the many possibilities of life in space. The speculative factors of the equation are: the rate of star formation in a galaxy, the number of stars around which there are planets, the number of those planets suitable for life, the rate at which life will emerge on planets suitable for life, the probability of reaching a communicable level of civilization on the planets where life originated, and the probable lifetime of such civilizations. The main problem here is that the last four factors are not fully known. Human civilization in the world cannot be used in statistical estimates because it is the only example on this subject. Also, using this example will cause anthropic deviation.

A more important objection is made against the Drake equation’s assumption that civilizations emerged and remained in their solar systems until they disappeared. If interstellar colonization is possible, this assumption is invalid and population dynamics equations must be used.

The Drake equation has been used by both optimistic and pessimistic viewers to draw quite different conclusions from each other. Using optimistic predictions, Dr. Carl Sagan suggested in 1966 that there were a million civilized civilizations within the Milky Way that could be communicated with, but in a later estimate he explained that the number was much lower. Frank Tipler, who was more skeptical about the subject, used pessimistic numbers in the equation to conclude that the average number of civilizations in any galaxy is one more than one.

With regard to the equation, Frank Drake said that the Drake equation does not serve to solve the Fermi paradox, but rather is a way of organizing our ignorance on the subject.

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Even if there are aliens that we cannot go beyond the theory and paradox, I think, in the light of the data we have, we should add the questions of what kind of technology and biological structure they have now, because we have ufo images that have recently been confirmed by the pentagon and the colony-like images that appeared on the moon and the first landing on the moon. there are images that astronauts take on their cameras (with no clear evidence of their authenticity)

Now, let’s make predictions based on the information we have within the framework of non-scientists and normal people, first of all, there is no planet with a structure similar to earth life and world biology as much as we can discover, but it is certain that the planet that our alien friends will probably come across will be in much more difficult conditions than the earth, which means that they evolved under difficult conditions. and it is an indicator that they are improving also michio kaku As he says in the future of humanity book, “the life that reaches us over millions of light years will be technologically superior to us”.

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Let’s say aliens reached Earth from millions of light-years away, much more technologically and biologically advanced than us. “What will they do with us?”

Many theories will be put forward in the face of this question, and those who read this article can answer this question in their own way. My opinion on this question is that we are really known by aliens, but the technology of this living form that reached us before us is probably far ahead of us.For example, if we are faced with an alien group coming from millions of light years away, this group is probably using fusion energy. They can capture this energy from the stars at any moment.

As I mentioned before, I think that aliens discovered us in the environment where they have so many images and evidence, but I have no theory about whether they contact us, maybe our natural resources are being exploited, we do not know.



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